Outcrop geology for subsurface characterization  

Module I (1 EC): preparation activities. Students will gather essential information on the region (including geological maps and sections, and literature on relevant processes) and place them in a digital platform such as Google Earth. They will prepare knowledge and tools needed to address the tasks tackled during fieldwork and design the optimal strategy. Module II (3.0 EC): Fieldwork During the first 1-2 days, all participant will be exposed to the area of study defining together the main sedimentary and structural issues. In the following 6-7 days students will work on the tasks which have been defined during Module I. These tasks consist of measurements, observations and interpretations on relevant topics and will last 2-3 days each, which means that each group will have 2-3 tasks to perform. Gathered data will be processed as much as possible during the evening in order to guide data acquisition in the following days. The acquired data and their preliminary interpretations will be handed in to the course instructors. During the final 1-2 days, the different groups will present their findings in the field to the other participants including those of different specializations. Module III (1EC): Finalization During module III, students will further process and interpret the data gathered in the field to reach higher-level conclusion which allows them to predict properties of subsurface rock bodies. This will result in a schematic report. An important part of module III is the organization of gathered information in a data base which can be used by students of following years. Study Goals After completing this module, students will be able to: 1) Describe and classify in 3D sedimentary rocks and heterogeneities at various scales in the field 2) Describe and classify in 3D faults, fractures and folds at various scales in the field 3) Quantify uncertainty in geomodels based on field observations 4) Choose predicting and upscaling strategies base on field observations 5) Present results in a compact and clear manner
Outcrop geology for subsurface characterization

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